Kinesiology Clinic in Melbourne's Bayside/South East

Learning Difficulties
Learning Difficulties
Lack of brain integration can lead to several challenges in life for both children and adults. These include (but are not limited to) the following:
Learning Difficulties
Attention Deficit Disorder
Lack of self esteem & confidence
Retained Primitive Reflexes
Reading & writing difficulties
Poor reading & maths abilities
Emotional problems (frustration, depression & aggressive behaviour)
Poor or lack of concentration
Poor memory
Fears such as fear of failure, public speaking etc. and anyone struggling to reach their potential whatever their age.
Using a combination of The Learning Acupressure Program (LEAP), Neural Organisation Technique (NOT), Neuroenergetic Kinesiology and Applied Physiology I work using a non-invasive brain integration technique for the improvement of brain function in children and adults.
Several protocols that address neurological processing by correcting structural and physiological faults, allow the appropriate signals to be sent to the brain, and reorganize the way correct information is then transmitted in the body.
The combination of techniques used opens up access between the Gestalt and Logic functions of the brain and blocks to integration are removed.
Benefits of brain integration (in addition to learning) are diverse and profound. They include becoming more organised in general; more stabilised emotional state; calmer under pressure; ability to coordinate thinking and actions; improved memory; enhanced sports performance; increased physical strength and fitness; improved ability to focus and improved ability to make decisions about one's life path and purpose.
Please complete the attached Medical History form prior to your child's Learning Assessment: